The Consortium

The contractor is the BlomInfo A/S, Denmark. DANAGRO A/S associates to the consortium. The basic philosophy of BlomInfo is to create a multidisciplinary team in response to a particular client’s requirements. The Contractor has assembled an international team of consultants who between them have direct experience of all aspects of developing a digital map for agricultural statistics. This includes managing of GIS system integration; review and analysis of statistical requirements concerning digital maps; review of GIS systems; design of GIS User Interfaces and building related databases; software development; digital and cadastral mapping; and institutional development in the transition countries of central and eastern Europe. There are two subcontractors Geometria GIS System House Ltd. and Mapscan Ltd.

BlomInfo A/S (Denmark)
Danagro A/S (Denmark)
Geometria GIS System House Ltd. (Hungary)
MapScan Ltd. (Hungary)